Thursday, March 24, 2011

Memories: The Old Barn II

Some of my fondest memories of growing up are in this old barn.   My brothers and I used baling twine looped together and doubled, and we would make ropes and throw them over the beams in the top floor of the barn. Throwing those ropes high enough to get them over the beams was a challenge in itself.  Off these we hung barrels.  We tied one end of the rope around each end of the barrel. We would swing on these back and forth and back and forth.  It was such a blast because we could swing so fast.  I remember one time putting a saddle on the barrel. Can you tell I loved horses way back then?  I also remember when the rope wore out and down we would come. Usually we were swinging pretty hard when this happened.  The barrel would just fly forward and we would land on the ground still on the barrel.  I can still hear the creek of the ropes on the wood as we went back and forth.  

We used to hang tires off the ropes also.  Those were so light that one could really fly swinging off those high beams.  One time we had an old buckboard hanging.  David and I were swinging and down we came.  It was so funny because it just stopped, though I had to say we dropped quite hard.  Guess the spring on the buckboard saved us from hitting hard.

The boys used to build hay tunnels with the bales.  I remember one tunnel that ended at the edge of the wharfing and then you had to jump down into the bay where the hay was lower than the barn floor.  I used to go through these tunnels with ease, but now I would die of claustrophobia.

One of the meanestt things we ever did was to be up on a beam in the barn and throw chaff or was it water down on a man who was working for my dad. His name was Norman, and he was an electrician.  I haven’t a clue why we did this, but I do remember him being angry and saying he was going to tell our dad.  We were a bit nervous and Lord knows what ever came of it.  I am sure we got reprimanded, but can’t remember how. I know I learned better of it and never did such a thing again.

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