Thursday, March 24, 2011

My first pet!

One of my first recollections of an animal in my life was a cat named Little Bear.  This subject comes to mind because lately on secure sign ins, they ask you to pick a question and answer for security reasons.

In my thinking, I can only remember this lovely, loving black kitty, who I loved so dearly and that was when I was in first grade.  Most people have memory of things much younger.  I for some reason have none until age five.  

My dad was road agent for our town all my years of  being in school. My bothers and I loved being with him so much. We most often tagged along with him after big snow falls.  He would hire a local bulldozer or grader to plow through the heavy snow falls and drifts that occurred in northern New Hampshire and then in spring, he would hire the grader to smooth down the ruts from mud season.  

I remember the day I got Little Bear.  We were parked in a farmer's yard at the end of a long road.  My dad was off supervising the job of grading the road.  I remember going in the barn to see the cows, which was a passion of mine,  and then being outside where a little black kitten spent time with me.  Maybe I perused her, maybe she found me.  We spent the day together.

My bother on the other hand was off playing with their dog that was tied on a chain.  This dog often snarled and growled at people and was known for being aggressive.  My dad always laughed about the fact that my brother was able to pick the dog up and carry him around.  That just goes to prove that kind treatment conquers all evil.

The period of road grading was finally done, and I was dismayed to have to leave for home.  I had so much fun with that cat.  The farmer's daughter came out and told me I could have the kitty if I wished.  I looked at my dad and he let me bring her home.  My dad was a softy when it came to his kids and animals, especially me.  

A year or so I came home from school and my mom was in tears.  She had to tell me that my cat had been run over.  My dad backed the car around and "Little Bear" was under neath.  It was a sad day!

In the years after, we always looked under the car and if there was a cat nearby, we would shoo it away.  That was how we taught them the fear of being near a running motor.  That became a ritual in our family from the loss of Little Bear. 

 Today I feel as much love and warmth towards that Kitty as when I held her in life.

1 comment:

horseboundmom said...

And NO, I do not choose the first pet question as my security sign in, just think it a good memory jolt for a story!!!!!!!!!!